• Removing duplicate files and folders - Cleaning up my hard disks

    Ever since I started using a computer about 20 years ago, I've carefully collected all the files I thought I might need in the future. Quite frankly, I absolutely needed none of the files I created before 10 years ago. Back then, I hoped that job interviewers might ask me to show the work I had done, but they never did. Having had the chance t...

  • Road Accident Lessons: What I Learned the Hard Way

    I've been driving for over a decade, having obtained my driver's license in 2006. Now in my early thirties, I've always prided myself on being a cautious driver.On May 1st, 2017 (Labour Day), I found myself with a rare day off. After sleeping in, I called my girlfriend only to discover she was unwell, suffering from severe gastric pain and a headache. I drove to her apartment t...

  • Parliamentary Election - 2015 & Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS) in Dengue Infection

    As election results pour in, I find myself at home, halfheartedly searching for rental properties. Lately, I've been feeling under the weather - lacking motivation, constantly tired, and uncharacteristically lazy. It's been a while since I've updated my blog or hit the gym. This morning, while pondering whether my bout with dengue fever last year might be connected to my current state, I found myself googling the aftere...

  • Individualism and Collectivism and Metryingtolearnthemism

    I had no siblings till the age of 9. There were no many people in my village. At least about 200 meters distance to the next nearest house from mine. Most of them in my village were farmers. There were no political parties or much influence from politics.  People didn't have much social interactions. Religious/civil ceremonies such as weddings, Hindu religious celebrations, Cultural celebrations and Friday prayers at temples were the main source of social interactions. Most of them knew mos...

  • Everything is a miracle

    Last Wednesday morning, I had grand plans. I wanted to arrive at work early, complete my tasks efficiently, and return home with time to organize our new rented house. The recent move had left everything in disarray, and I felt compelled to restore order to my slightly altered life. Lately, I'd been feeling physically drained, lacking motivation to tackle these necessary changes. I wondered if the rainy weather or the lingering knee injury might be contributing ...

  • Leadership, Communication & Motivation

    I usually prefer to not write anything on leadership, management, motivation and the other similar topics as I wanted to keep myself as a person who absolutely has nothing to do with these things, however, the time has come to tell you:) what I think about these overrated L-word and the other cooperate holy words. I don’t know whether it's my friends; or the fact that ever since I started "ACTIV" with my friends, I’m on a constant look-out for successful...

  • Clean Coding Techniques and Best Programming Practices

    One of my favourite things to do when I'm free is open a code file from one of the best known open source projects and look at the code. Some of them programmers are truly amazing in writing codes applying the best coding practices and use OOP concepts. There are many good ways to architect and design a system depending on the size of the project. Those days, I was working on many small pro...

  • How much money should I be making?

    From what I talk to my friends, I understand that the concern in the Sri Lankan IT industry is that often its workers, despite long and hard work, the need for continually leaning to keep-up with the rapidly changing technologies, do not earn enough to enjoy a decent standard of living. The post war Sri Lanka, after effects of CHOGM, the rapidly rising cost of living that erodes the real wages and the stagnant or declining family incomes have given rise to the clamour for a more decent and fair ...

  • Memento

    I was ambitious, having failed my A levels and didn't have any qualifications. I felt as if it would be my last and only chance to switch my life upside down. I knew very well, I can't afford to get anything wrong at the point of time where I was applying to go to UK, April-May time of 2008. Those days, I was not a fan of taking photographs or collecting souvenirs. I used to think that the life should just go on without collecting things to remember our lives a...

  • Logos hope visits Colombo Harbour and I need a tablet.

    I ran out of Internet bandwidth for this month. SLT package I have at home gives my family the luxury of 25 GByte worth the Internet serf a month. Should we want to use after the bandwidth limit, we will have an Internet at a 64 KByte per second speed. So, got frustrated try to access my documents on Google Drive and switched off my computer to go see the "Logos hope" ship book fair. <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto...

  • How to keep me up-to-date with the latest technologies?

    This is a million dollar question for most of the programmers. Programmers often live in virtual language specific world including myself and when we asked to go to another world, we get annoyed. When we spend years discovering a world and hear about a better one, it’s not a good feeling. When I talk about keeping me up-to-date with the current technologies, I have to touch a subject called “programming paradigm”. It was interesting listening to Dr Evens’s lecture on “Programming Pa...

  • What programming language should I choose to excel on and why?

    The first software package I ever learned is Microsoft Excel in 1997 at my school, Jaffna Hindu College. Some of our old school union people thought that the young pupil in our school should learn computer. I’m grateful to my school and I should write about my schools in another post. Computer was a very alien idea at that time to me. Probably to most of them in Jaffna. At school they plugged the computers up and showed us as an exhibit first. The Pentium D computers had Windows 95 as I remember...

  • It’s a never ending quest

    Today, now, as any other weekend evenings; I’m ly-ing partially arching my back on the warm sand in the beach comfortably. My mind feels clean, must be this gentle breeze coming from sea towards the beach and the moon light. It’s around 7.30 PM now. No sun, but moon is on night shift. Beach side lights complaining moon’s job. Unusually few people for Sunday. I don’t remember thinking anything when come and sit here, but then as I start to look around, the people walk, talk, lights, dogs...

  • Discovering - Finding the real me.

    Finding the real me is an enlightening experience. I believe knowing ourselves are very important in order to know what we can do with ourselves. I become self-sufficient and do things for myself, for once. I'm no longer n...

  • My last post on blog.activj.net

    This is going to be my last post on blog.activj.net and I'll be blogging on one of the blogging CMSs or on blogger.com as no longer Google will support my blog integration. That means, No longer I can synch my blog.activj.net with Google's blogger server. I have been doing this for a long time for lotz of reasons. Mainly, I thought having my blog with google will drive web-traffic to my website. I'm really sad that I can no longer do this, but I guess everythi...

  • 2010 - Need an R &amp; D Job - மாட்டு பொங்கல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்

    Allo all &amp; Allo 2010. 'Allo' is tamil version of Hallo. 2009 was good; actually It was great. Let me list my 200...

  • Days pass by so fast

    Now it's almost four months from my last post. Time passes so fast and I don't know how I get busy without doing anything. Organizing my time and finishing things as I plan is simply a pain, and In many occasions it doesn't work. I schedule things then something very important comes in and I reschedule everything all over again.I wanted to update my website or post a new blog entry on every Sundays, but it didn't work. Always, some...

  • Relativity

    This is one of the subjects I think all the time. When I travel in the bus, when I cook my food, when I walk, when I’m in the toilet and even when I was in the Lecture hall. This is just not a word, this is a theory, this is a concept, this is very broad subject applicable to many day-to-day things in our lives, it's a philosophy and it’s even lot more to me. This is the answer to many problems in the world. <span class="blsp-s...

  • I&#39;m done. Got my first Degree

    Words cannot express the happiness and joy I feel right now. I knew I was gonna make it finally, but there were just things that made it rather difficult to be happy about. I mean, how could I not graduate? Last semester, my final project and other courseworks made me worry about graduating this year. Finally I managed to finish those better than I planned with the help of my frien...

  • தமிழ் &amp; සිංහල NEW YEAR!

    இன்று புதுசு. நாளை பழசு. பழசை கொன்று புதுசை கொண்டாடுறம். பழசுகள் செய்த பாழாய் போனவை புதுசு வரிஷங்கள் வந்தன. மாசங்கள் போயின. வாழ்கையின் வருத்தங்களும் வசந்தங்களும்.. வாரங்கள் வந்தன. நாட்கள் நீண்டன. வந்த மாற்றங்களும் சமாதானமும். வந்தவை வரமாக.! வாழ்கையில் இருள் நீங்க..! மதி கொண்டு மனிதன் கருனை நிதி கொண்டு கடவுள் கடந்து வந்த வாழ்வின் கஷ்டங்கள் நீக்க...! வடக்கையும் தெற்கையும் ...

  • A.R.Rahman conferred with Middlesex University degree

    OMG! Guys, I'm thrilled! The musical god, A.R.Rahman is going to graduate with me:P! I can't wait to see him. This is the best news for me this year.... wooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww.....!!A R Rahman is on the receiving end. After the honorary doctorate offered by the Anna University, Chennai for ...

  • Things get a bit crazy. Help please..

    Things get a bit crazy. I have been given an individual project to finish within a month and I have three more coursework and a test to be done. My life's getting crazy. For my individual project, I need to interview people with speech impairments. I'm trying to find someone to interview and to finish this off. Yesterday, I was talking to one my friends about my project and about meeting someone to get an in...

  • Credit Crunch

    Dear friends. A thousand apologies, I couldn't post anything useful last 5 months. Now, I'm doing computer science in middlesex university and I'm quite busy with doing coursework, studying, cooking on my own and with my works. New place, new people, multicult...

  • Why Are We Alive?

    Last night, I was suffering from fever and stomach ache and I was thinking about our lives. It does not make any sense for me. We are bornWe growWe drinkWe growWe eatWe growWe smileWe growWe cryWe growWe laughWe growWe standWe gr...

  • Know your Mobile phone

    Friends! This is a very useful and interesting post as we all use cell phone very frequently in our day-to-day life. Actually, My immediate boss at my previous work place, mailed me these mobile secrets. I just post the mail here with his permission. Please read fully and experiment/try/check these in your phone. Your comments will encourage me to do more, so please... Would you lik...