Hey There! I'm Jeyaram, but You Can Call Me JJ


Career Objective

As a seasoned Software Engineer, I am dedicated to pursuing cutting-edge opportunities that align with my passion for technology and innovation. I view every experience as a valuable learning opportunity and continuously strive to expand my knowledge base. This website serves as a platform to showcase my skills and connect with potential collaborators and employers. Whether you're seeking a strategic business partner or considering me for a transformative role, the information provided here demonstrates my expertise, unique perspective, and potential to contribute significantly to your organization's success.



Professional Background

With over 20 years of experience in the software engineering field, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project. My journey in web development began in 2000 when I started exploring PHP programming as a hobby. This initial interest quickly evolved into a passion for both networking (Linux-based LAN) and web development.

Prior to my O/Levels, I had already identified a career path combining networking and web development as my ideal trajectory. Recognizing the growing significance of computers and telecommunication systems across industries, I understood the importance of developing a comprehensive understanding of both technology and business to succeed in this rapidly evolving field.

My professional journey has been incredibly rewarding, allowing me to collaborate with talented experts and innovators. The dynamic nature of the tech industry, with its rapid evolution of technologies and ever-changing business landscape, has provided me with exhilarating challenges and opportunities for growth. Currently, I specialize in Pega-related technologies, holding certifications as a Lead System Architect and Robotics System Architect. I've also expanded my expertise into cutting-edge fields such as cloud computing and data science, ensuring that my skill set remains at the forefront of technological advancements.



Career Highlights

Early Career Success (2005-2007): Completed a six-month industrial training program at Masters DDB, a prominent Sri Lankan advertising agency, successfully bridging the worlds of advertising and web development. This experience provided invaluable insights and networking opportunities with industry leaders.

Leadership and Collaboration: During my BTECH higher national diploma, I honed my team leadership skills through group projects. I developed a reputation for taking charge of situations through reasoned problem-solving approaches, fostering mutual respect among team members, and facilitating effective compromises to achieve project goals.

Entrepreneurial Venture: At 17, I co-founded a business with school friends, focusing on web development, graphic design, and 2D animations. Despite initial challenges, our strong technical capabilities quickly gained recognition. This experience taught me valuable lessons in project management, client relations, and time management.

Diverse Industry Experience: Recognizing the importance of a holistic skill set, I pursued opportunities in various sectors, including Public Relations and Law. This diverse experience allowed me to develop software applications that effectively bridged business needs with technological solutions. I plan to showcase these projects in the portfolio section, respecting confidentiality agreements with former employers.

Pega Technology Specialist: Since joining Virtusa in January 2012, I've become an expert in Business Process Management (Pega BPM). Starting from scratch, I quickly mastered this rapidly evolving technology, appreciating its focus on addressing complex business challenges. Over the past decade, I've contributed to multiple multi-million-dollar projects, consistently delivering high-quality solutions on time and with minimal defects.



Technical Expertise

My programming journey spans over two decades, beginning with BASIC in 2000 and rapidly progressing to more advanced languages and technologies. This diverse background has given me experience with a wide range of programming languages, applications, and technologies, allowing me to adapt quickly to new challenges and technological advancements.

Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate working knowledge rather than in-depth expertise.

Core Competencies

  • Pega Platform (PRPC 6.2 - 8.7, Robotics Studio, CPM, CMF*)
  • Cloud Platforms (AWS, GCP*, Azure*)
  • API Management (Apigee*)
  • Programming Languages (Java, .NET, C#, Visual Basic, C/C++*)
  • Web Technologies (PHP, JavaScript, ASP, HTML, XML, JSON)
  • Database Management (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle*)
  • Operating Systems (Windows, Linux distributions)

Additional Skills

  • Web Design (Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Fine Site Designer*, Deto 6.5*)
  • Multimedia Applications (Adobe Creative Suite, Sound Forge, 3D Max*)
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Project Management and Collaboration Tools



My Learning Adventures

  • 2008 – 2009 Middlesex University [BSc (Hons) in Computer Science]
    • Internet Game Programming
    • Developing Enterprise Systems
    • Computing Project Management
    • Distributed Internet Programming
    • Developing Internet Applications
    • Undergraduate Computing Project
  • 2006 - 2008 ICBT Campus [Higher National Diploma (Edexcel UK) in Computing]
    • Computer Platforms and Networking
    • System Analysis and Software Engineering
    • Database Management and Design
    • Web Development (HTML, ASP.NET)
    • Programming (Java, C++, VB.NET)
    • Project Management and Implementation
  • 2015 - 2017 SLF [Higher National Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy]

    Comprehensive study of counselling theories, techniques, and ethical practices. Coursework included:

    • Theoretical Foundations: Developmental Psychology, Learning & Cognition, Psychodynamic Concepts
    • Practical Skills: Humanistic Counselling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Group Dynamics
    • Professional Development: Ethical Practice, Contemporary Challenges, Research Methods
    • Specialized Training: Mental Health Interventions, Advanced Psychological Inquiry
    • Practical Experience: 200 hours of supervised clinical internship


Professional Certifications

  • Pega Certified Lead System Architect (7.4)
  • Pega Certified Robotics System Architect (8.0)
  • Pega Certified Senior System Architect (6.2)
  • Pega Certified System Architect (6.2)
  • Certificate in Macromedia Flash MX
  • Certificate in Adobe Photoshop 7.0
  • Certificate in Business English
  • Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy


Personal Information

Jeyarajah Jeyaram
Date of birth:
Tamil, English, Sinhala



Contact Details

**Hay Lane,
London NW9 0NA
Mobile Phone:
00 44 78 01 99 33 48



Interests and Hobbies

  • Photography Instagram
  • Travel and Cultural Exploration
  • Sports: Football and Chess
  • Entertainment: Movies and Music
  • Blogging Blogger
  • Literature and Continuous Learning
  • Mindfulness and Meditation



Professional Summary

With over 20 years of experience in the software engineering industry, I have successfully contributed to a diverse range of projects, from small-scale initiatives to large enterprise applications. My approach consistently integrates both business acumen and technological expertise, ensuring solutions that drive real value for organizations.

My combination of technical skills, industry experience, and continuous learning mindset positions me to take on leadership roles and drive innovation in the ever-evolving field of software engineering. I am committed to leveraging my expertise to contribute significantly to cutting-edge projects and organizational success.